Advantages of rural houses compared to a hotel

When planning vacations, the question often arises as to whether a hotel or a rural house is better to spend time. The truth is that although each of the accommodations has its pros and cons, rural houses lead the way when it comes to going on vacation.

It must be recognized, hotels are being increasingly relegated to being used solely for work and business reasons, since the advantages that a rural house has over them are very important. In this article we have wanted to focus on making a brief review of all those positive characteristics that rural houses have.

Advantages of rural houses

1. Greater independence : One of the greatest advantages of rural houses over hotels is the greater independence they give us. Being in a rural house, privacy is much greater than in a hotel in the center. Also, we don’t have to go through the reception every time we want to go to our room by letting the receptionist know when we entered and with whom.

2. Easier with children : Traveling to a rural house is much better when it comes to a family trip . Not only is it that in a rural house they bother other families less, but also, they usually have much more to do in them than in a hotel where the spaces are smaller. In fact, in a rural house they can have their room at home and even, on occasions, their own playroom.

3. Cheaper : Staying in a rural house is much cheaper than staying in a hotel; so this is, without a doubt, another great reason to prefer the tranquility of a house in a town in front of a bustling hotel in the center of a busy European city.

4. More flexible : One of the problems with hotels is that it is generally very difficult to find vacancies at an affordable price on certain dates. However, in the case of rural houses this is not the case, rather the adaptability is much greater. Thus, on almost any date there is always one or more rural houses available to travel as a couple or as a family.

5. Easy parking : Parking is another of the strong points of the rural houses . In general, it is usually free and very easy to park in them.

6. You don’t have to pay a thousand extras : Hotels usually charge us for a number of things, so the bill ends up being much higher than expected. In a rural house you rarely have to pay extras or contract services separately.
